Announcements and media releases 

The latest announcements and media releases from Relegen. These are also available as an RSS Feed

Blog Post: Seeing the bigger picture with mobile data capture

Friday, July 19, 2013 - 19:57

Mobile enterprise asset management systems enhance field productivity. But does mobile data capture from anywhere, anytime, any device offer up an even greater prize? Continue reading our next blog post 'Seeing the bigger picture with mobile data capture' »

Media release: Relegen announces the asset management industry’s first rapid deployment solution with the ‘assetDNA Pilot Kit’

Thursday, July 18, 2013 - 15:50

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA – 18 JULY, 2013 – Relegen, a leading supplier of people and technology-based solutions to asset-intensive industries, today announced the general availability of a new innovative out-of-the-box solution – the assetDNA Pilot Kit. assetDNA’s new offering has been engineered to provide an easier, faster, reduced risk implementation experience. It assembles everything organisations need to get started – software, tags, a mobile app pre-installed on a hand-held computer, documentation and deployment services – in a ruggedised mobile carry case, at an affordable price. Unlike consultant-intensive feasibility studies or lengthy implementation programs that can take months and more, the assetDNA Pilot Kit reduces the costs and complexities typically associated with software implementations and enables organisations to get up and running within a few days.

Blog post: Managing high risk assets

Friday, June 21, 2013 - 19:52

Managing security around high-risk assets is of increasing importance for many industries. None more so than for organisations operating in Defence, law enforcement, corrections, intelligence and those responsible for border management, customs and civil emergencies. It is critical these operations have tight, auditable controls for managing weapons and personal defence equipment (PDE). It is also vital that communities have complete confidence in their security and protection agencies. Read about the six benefits of asset intelligence software and RFID asset tracking for armoury management in 'Managing high risk assets' >>

Blog post: What is an asset?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013 - 19:47

Assets are the things that make your organisation unique. They are the capabilities that set your organisation apart from others and create superior value for your customers. They are not the exclusive domain of accounting, maintenance or engineering. They are your competitive advantage. Continue reading 'What is an asset?' >>

Blog post: Bridging the gap with asset intelligence

Tuesday, May 28, 2013 - 19:44

Is the data in your corporate information systems reflective of your real-world assets in-the-field? Why is this important? What do you require from future technologies to close the gap? Continue reading our new blog post 'Bridging the gap with asset intelligence' >>

Relegen News – May 2013 Edition

Monday, May 27, 2013 - 21:56

The latest edition of 'Relegen News' is now online. In this issue:

  • The business value of asset intelligence
  • Projects & services news
  • New blog launched
  • Free Customer workshops

Read Relegen News – May 2013 >>

New Asset Intelligence Blog now live

Monday, May 6, 2013 - 19:00

Click here to go to our new Asset Intelligence Blog, where you can read about asset management industry trends and the perspectives of asset intelligence experts. This blog also provides insights into asset intelligence software and asset identification technologies, as well as technical updates about our solution, assetDNA.

Relegen News – November 2012 Edition

Thursday, November 29, 2012 - 16:42

The latest edition of 'Relegen News' is now online. In this issue:

  • DMOSS accreditation
  • New assetDNA Pilot Kit
  • Projects & services news
  • Welcome David Gillies

Read Relegen News – November 2012 >>
